a performative vr-installation

POSITION: Concept & Production

CONTEXT: Final Project (Bachelor of Arts) – Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin

TEAM: Karen Dohr (Director), Lorenz Vögel (Technical Supervision)


DURATION: 20 Minutes

FORMAT: 360 Video & spatial installation

TIME OF PRODUCTION: Oct. 2019 – Feb. 2020

FESTIVAL(S): Places_VR (Gelsenkirchen)

ECHOING SPHERES is a 360-Video embedded in a live-performative environment. It features the latest work of Amon van Fries, a musician and cyborg, who deals with the overlapping moments of visual and auditory perception.

Inspired by synaesthesia, which allows affected people to experience sounds as shapes and colours, an implant enables the artist to imitate this effect: Sounds become visible in his field of vision. In ECHOING SPHERES he connects his implant to the viewer through a special interface and can thereby pass on his visual impressions directly. Cyborg, man and machine merge into an organic whole in a unique, sensual physical experience.

At least that is the artist’s concept. An unexpected incident upsets the technical balance and lets the audience dive directly into the artist’s confrontation with his past: Is the dream of his own rebirth as a cyborg merely the daydream of an extraordinary person? Does the technological expansion really open up new spheres of perception? And how fluid are the boundaries between the expansion of the old and the creation of something new?